Victims may also file a complaint through Rutgers University–Camden administration. The university’s informal and formal procedures for filing a complaint are intended to afford a prompt response to charges of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking; to maintain confidentiality and fairness consistent with applicable legal requirements; and to impose appropriate sanctions on violators of this policy.
A victim who wishes to make a complaint through the student conduct process can consult with a victim advocate in the Title IX Coordinator’s Office (856-225-6050) for more information on what to expect in the conduct process and to receive support through that process.
Student conduct records are confidential student records and will not be released to the public except as required by law.
If the complainant would like to remain anonymous and does not consent to the disclosure of his or her name or other identifiable information to the accused, the university may be limited in its ability to take disciplinary action.
If the complainant still wishes to remain anonymous, the university will make every reasonable effort to abide by complainant’s wishes; however, the university is required to balance such a request with interest in protecting the safety of other members of the community.