Athletics and Recreation

There are many issues that can arise in the course of our jobs, involving student-athletes, staff members, or ourselves, that must be reported to the appropriate person or office within the Athletic Department or University.  These may be issues of a criminal nature, of a concerning nature, of a policy nature, or NCAA-related.  There are processes in place for reporting all types of issues within the athletic department and within the university.  This document summarizes the reporting structures within the university related to the most important issues we are typically faced with reporting. 
All Athletic Department staff members are expected to report all incidents that represent violations of laws, policies, regulations, rules, and standards of conduct.  No employee (except for physicians and psychologists) has the authority to keep information confidential if it relates to sexual assault, harassment or misconduct.  No employee has the authority to keep information confidential if it relates to criminal activity, NCAA violations, policy violations, etc.  These issues must be reported according to the following:
Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Sexual Misconduct
Sexual harassment, assault and misconduct, stalking, relationship violence, sexual exploitation, etc. must be reported to appropriate people/offices within the university in a timely fashion.  
Criminal Activity
Certain individuals, designated as Campus Security Authorities (CSA’s) under the Clery Act, are required to report criminal activity to campus police.  CSA’s include individuals with responsibility for student and campus activities. Information on possible crimes must be reported to the Rutgers University Police Department, 856-225-6111.  
Others who are not designated as CSA’s are encouraged to report criminal activity as they become aware of it in an effort to protect all staff, students and visitors, keeping in mind that issues of sexual assault involving a student must be reported to Allison Wisniewski as indicated above.
For more information on the Clery Act, please visit  
Issues of Student-Athlete Mistreatment
Abuse and mistreatment of student-athletes by coaches or staff members is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.  Coaches are expected to motivate their student-athletes to new heights.  They are expected to do so while still treating their student-athletes with dignity and respect.  There is a difference between being demanding and being demeaning, between pushing a student-athlete hard and being abusive, between being honest with a student-athlete and belittling him/her.  If you are concerned that a coach or staff member is crossing the line, you must report that concern to the administrator for that sport or directly to the Director of Athletics.  If you are not comfortable reporting the information directly to the sport administrator for the program or to the Director of Athletics, report the situation to your supervisor.  When such information is reported to a supervisor, it must be reported by that person to the Director of Athletics.
If there is any other situation that arises that you believe you need to report but do not know where to report it, please contact any of the following individuals within the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics:
NCAA Violations
Any and all possible NCAA violations must be reported to the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics Office of Compliance:
Other Campus Resources
There are many other offices on campus that handle issues and complaints regarding students and staff.  Below are a number of resources available to all students and staff on campus:
Office of Violence Prevention & Victim Assistance– Provides services designed to raise awareness of and respond to the impact of interpersonal violence and other crimes. 
Office of Community Standards– The Office of Community Standards administers the student disciplinary system, investigating and adjudicating alleged incidents of student misconduct and academic dishonesty.  It enforces the University Code of Student Conduct and the Academic Integrity Policy.  It can assist in situations that involve disputes between students.
Office of Diversity & Inclusion– Promote academic and personal growth, raise awareness, and support strategies to advance inclusivity directives that build and maintain an inclusive campus community
University Ombudsperson – Confidential, neutral, independent, and informal office where students have access to high-level assistance in dealing with difficult and complex issues related to academics, student life, and other concerns.
Office of Employment Equity – Housed within University Human Resources, supports the university’s commitment to preventing discrimination and advancing equal opportunity – including providing services aimed at preventing and resolving complaints of discrimination and harassment. 
Office of University Ethics and Compliance – Operates separately from all departments within the university and reports directly to the President of the university.  University Ethics and Compliance conducts trainings and educational programs for staff, performs monitoring within the university, assists with development of new policies and procedures, helps identify critical risks to the university and provides support in mitigating such risks, and handles issues and concerns that do not fall within other areas of the university – or where a staff member or student is not comfortable utilizing the regular reporting structure within the university.  
  • Athletics Contact:  Bob Beller, 732-235-5047
  • University Compliance Hotline – 1-800-215-9664
Rutgers University Police Department – Committed to providing law enforcement and security services to enhance the quality of life for all students, employees, and visitors.  
  • Phone:  856-225-6111 
EVERFI – The premier online program addressing the critical issues of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, and sexual harassment – among students, faculty and staff.