
Rutgers University–Camden understands how difficult it can be to come forward with a concern. We encourage honest and candid participation in our process so that we can identify options. We will make every effort to keep the confidentiality of any person (s) reporting a claim and when possible will keep the identity of an unwilling victim or witness confidential. However, we cannot guarantee unqualified confidentiality as we must also balance the safety of our community. If we determine that there is the threat of imminent harm to an individual or to the community, information may need to be shared and then only with the appropriate individuals.
Rutgers University values your right to obtain confidentiality that is protected by law and under specific circumstances, and are therefore certain professionals are not obligated and are prevented from reporting on your behalf. These resources are opportunities for support and assistance.
Reporting any allegations of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct to any of the resources below will not result in an investigation without the consent of the student sharing the information, but will be forwarded to University Police anonymously for inclusion in the annual campus crime report.
The Office for Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance – VPVA
(856) 225-2326
326 Penn Street Campus Center – 3rd floor
VPVA offers counseling and advocacy services; educational programming; and training, consultation and policy development services to all Rutgers University-Camden students. VPVA supports student survivors and promotes prosocial bystander behaviors in an effort to encourage student success.With student survivors at the center of all that we do, we are committed to addressing and preventing interpersonal violence and helping to empower the Rutgers-Camden community to become a safer place to live and learn.